Hello Martyn Drake,

02-Sep-2004 18:07, you wrote:

> A couple of (I hope) easy questions to answer.  Still trialing The Bat!
> version 3.   Firstly, just how do I get to view remote images in HTML
> documents as it isn't doing so at the moment and I'll be darned if I can
> find a switch/toggle that allows me to do this.

Interesting. I never looked at it this way (I mean: wanting to download
remote images). Apparently, you really can't do this.

Are you aware of "web bugs"? Those are invisible and small graphic elements
that can be used by e.g. a spammer to track down whether you actually got
the message, if your mail-adress is working, what IP adress you had when
you accessed the message...

However, a list of "trusted senders" (as Outlook handles it) from whom
remote images will be allowed would be a nice idea, if used with care.
You're never sure which worm fakes which sender adress.

> Secondly - is there a way to program the check mail button to check ALL mail
> accounts rather than having to do the drop down menu and select 'check all'
> or press ALT-F2?

I'd support that wish, too. :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

We are asking exactly the same questions now about the sources of human
action as we once asked about the heavenly bodies. There has been no
progress. We have no idea how to approach this question within the
framework of science. We can write novels about it, but we cannot construct
even false theories about it. We simply have nothing to say. -- Noam

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