
This all began when I purchased a license for  The Bat! v3.0. I received in good time 
both expected emails, inluding the one with my registration keys. Then I received a 
third email telling me that because a sertain staff member was on vacation the email 
that I'd written to him had been forwareded to someone else.

Well, that staff member, Mike Weilly, has instituted a web-bsed filter to fight spam. 
I wrote to him and received reply that explained that I must reply to the email with 
the body intact so that the utility could verify that the email did come from a 
ligitimate sourece.

Fair enough, I replied to the email. Within a minute, I received  reply to the e
ffect that the address was bad. I did some digging in the header and the Reply-To: is


That is where replies are going. 

So, I cannot explain my problem nor can I receive a respone.

You ready for the best part? I didn't send anyone at RitLabs an email.

Their email queue is going to get tiny. Rather than worry about all the spam their 
getting, they'll start worrying about why purchasers of their software licenses aren't 
communicating with them.

Tiom Duda

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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