Hello Miguel,

On Saturday, September 4, 2004, 12:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Has anyone any experience with this, or other advice to offer? I'm not
>> sure exactly what to do to correct this.

M> Most of my filters were converted correctly and are working with no
M> problems. I had problems with a few  that used Regex and, although being
M> apparently correct, they were not working. Are you using Regex in your
M> filters? If so, I would advise to try to change them to not use Regex.
M> The NFS has more options for setting up conditions without needing
M> Regex.

I have no real understanding of regex so will happily disable it! As I
mentioned to Roelof, it's not immediately apparent where the regex
settings are, but hey, I've got a free afternoon. :-))

Thanks so much, Miguel.



A Canadian in Houston
Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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