Hello Paul,

Monday, September 6, 2004, 2:13:39 PM, you wrote:

PJ>>> Can anyone point me to info regarding BayesIT and BayesFilter.
PJ>>> What is the difference between them?

>> BayesIT will actually work if you can get it installed. I've never
>> been able to get the other one to do anything except grab program
>> focus for a couple of seconds and then give me a OK dialog that needs
>> to be dismissed saying, "One messages processed".

PJ> Thanks; any tips on how to successfully get BayesIT installed?

Mostly it is a YMMV sort of thing at the moment.  You install it and
it works well or it does not.

I have it (BayesIt 0.6.1) working on my system. I had some early
problems because I installed it over an older version. The key there
seems to be to completely remove all traces of the old one before
installing and trying to train the new one. If you have never
installed it, you may not have any problems. But as others have said,
they did. It is it is a problem for you, it is easy enough to remove
it and wait to see if the next release helps you.

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows ME 4.90 Build  3000

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