Hello Chris,

Friday, September 3, 2004, 8:35:24 PM, you wrote:
L0>>    I just upgraded to The Bat! v3.0, and I just discovered that this
L0>>    new version does not include an AntiVirus plugin for Kaspersky
L0>>    AntiVirus. All previous versions of The Bat! have included this. I
L0>>    can seem to find no information about this in the RIT Labs support
L0>>    forums.

CW> I mentioned this a couple of months back;

CW> May also be worth checking out this thread on the KAV forums;
CW> http://forums.useice.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?s=4138c7a26988ffff;act=ST;f=1;t=611

Erk!  I thought that I'd checked everything before I upgraded.

Ho hum, back to my downer on v3.  It seems that Ritlabs are not alone
though, I've recently upgraded:

 - Kaspersky AV        machine hangs and continual disk activity

 - Agnitum Outpost     random component blocking

Tempted to restore from last week's backup, I can't believe that I'm
getting nostalgic for *last week*!


Playing with TheBat!: v3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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