***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 21 Sep 2004, 
   @  @      at 18:23:11 -0400, when rich gregory wrote:

MM>> "05x1ca9PMAM&CEkaban1ca" [again a magic number, 22]

MM>> "This eMale thinger gotta spillclicker with all sortsa kewl scwiggly red
MM>> lans undur everthung just to show me am awrite." (c)

MM>> Lo again, a magic number - 99 characters!

> So what is this magic number reference?

:-) I'll just shortly add some concrete comments to what I already have
explained to you and Thomas:

22 - might be memorized as "two couples"; or Catch-22 (-: Or 2+2=4,
therefore "a news", "a voice", "a rumor"... related to "two couples"; or
a "double connection".

26 - could be memorized as a "couple in sex", but also as 2+6=8, when
you get "a worry" (8) out of it. (-:

99 - might be memorized as "two happiness", or "double happiness", or
"not rounded $", or 9+9=18, therefore "an ace (1) is worrying (8)/taking
care", or as the hexagram 18 in I Ching [18 Ku, Work on What Has Been
Spoiled (Decay)].

Etc. (-:

PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 22 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
When purpose and pleasure are brought together, work becomes play. Every
bit of work done in this spirit strengthens the man who does it. It is
recreative as well as creative. -- "All Work Is Play", by Ernest Wood

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