Hello, everyone.

I am evaluating The Bat! 3.0 as a more powerful, more secure
replacement for Outlook XP/2002 (under Windows XP Professional,
SP 1).

Because I send e-mail messages containing Russian/Cyrillic text,
any e-mail client upon which I decide must support Cyrillic text.

Although I realize that The Bat! does not yet offer Unicode support,
I have been able to get it to handle Russian text satisfactorily
by setting the default character set for my messages to KOI8-R.

My problem comes with my signature file, which is a few lines of
Pushkin, in Russian. I have the signature file saved as a separate
Unicode/Cyrillic text file, but when The Bat! imports the file,
the result is "gibberish" characters that are not Russian at all.

I am using the following "cookie" setup in my preferences for
the account I am using for testing, inserting a newline character
(\n) at the end of each line, as instructed by the on-line help,

Should I assume that the problem lies with the fact that The
Bat! 3.0 does not offer full Unicode support, and give up on
this approach?

I can take the text from the same Unicode/Cyrillic file and
manually paste it into an e-mail message, which seems to
work just fine.

Thank you very much, in advance, for any ideas or


David M. Dickerson
URL: http://ddickerson.igc.org/
* * *
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reason; we must create beauty out of
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И сердце бьется в упоенье,
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И божество, и вдохновенье,
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-- А. Пушкин (1825)
David M. Dickerson <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL: <http://ddickerson.igc.org/>
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