Hallo Roelof,

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 16:32:12 +0200GMT (13-10-2004, 16:32 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

RO> [-] Massive bugfix. There is no need to name every fix we made, but we
RO>     are sure those fixes made The Bat! more reliable and run smoother
RO>     than ever.

I suppose it wasn't possible to name every one of them. Here's a list
of some of the bugs resolved during beta testing (as posted on
tbbeta), note that some of these bugs were introduced in a post 3.0
beta and resolved before the final release:


[-] NFS : Hotkeys were used by filters only after program restart
[-] NFS : Switching filters wasn't redrawed folder list
[-] NFS : 'Play sound' options fixes
[-] NFS : 'Create filter' from ticker operates with account of
          selected msg
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[-] NFS : editing problems
[-] IMAP: minor fixes
[-] NFS : auto-creation of $known$
[-] NFS : IsActive/Send options copied wrong sometimes
[-] NFS : selective download filters by default ignore
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[+] NFS : subtree copy/paste
[+] NFS : folder watching
[-] NFS : Sent filter with deletion wasn't worked
[-] NFS : 'Message source' condition troubles
[-] NFS : always created .srx files
[-] NFS : new accounts used wrong filters
[-] NFS : OK/Help buttons out of screen using large fonts
[-] NFS : folder selector out of window
[-] NFS : Icon in 'Create filter' not in place
[-] IMAP: Memory leaks
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[-] (#0000973) Editor Window: in plain text editor when clicking on
    the external links, like - telnet://, etc open 2 windows instead
    of one
[-] The Bat! didn't generate S/MIME self-signed certificates in
    Internal Implementation - it did prompt for the hardware token
[-] (#0003301) PlugIn doesn't work, if it is in TheBat! home dir
[-] (#0000808) Token Editor Form - buttons were too narrow
[-] (#0001657) Ctrl+A doesn't work in Account's and Folder's Template
[-] (#0000740) When changing Account's home directory - Desktop can be
    selected but could not be used.
[-] (#0000452) Moving address from To field to CC field via
    TAddressSelector dialog then forcefully add a selected item to the
    TO list
[-] (#0000561) The same address book file could have been added twice
[-] (#0002723) Help/faq page should point to the localized faq page

The Bat!
[-] (#0002400) String displayed incomplete in Connection Centre
[-] (#0003532) Mail Chat Window opens when Chatmode is set to "no Chat"
[-] (#0002984) Big difference creating VFs from Search tool or New/VF menu      
[-] (#0003543) Text in internal RTF viewer is not highlighted after "Select all" or 
[-] (#0003359) MESSAGE.TBB/.TBI added to VF folder when compressing
[-] (#0002920) Virtual folders should be removed from Folder Maintenance Centre
[-] (#0003537) Out of memory creating a virtual folder (certain filter condition)
[-] (#0003518) Delete from address book filter action
[-] (#0002571) extra line breaks in reply to HTML       
[-] (#0003192) Clipboard saving encoding problem        
[-] (#0003481) Copy/paste from RTV of russian text does not work        
[-] (#0003160) In RTV copy & paste funtion is weird for Double-Byte Character Set 
[-] (#0001041) Connection Center: Task display does not refresh properly
[-] (#0002185) Maintenance do not repair TBI files      
[-] (#0000743) Opening a deleted message in a new window does not work  
[-] (#0002697)  Kaspersky-Pligin crashes while checking a folder containing clrav.com 
[-] (#0000409) Cosmetic fix: 'High colour images' are not greyed out in 256 colour 
video mode
[-] (#0001056) Cosmetic fix: "Check Folder for Viruses" window had a "broken" label
[-] (#0000660) Cosmetic fix: there were exta ellipses in some menu items
[-] (#0003505) Long lines of the replied message are not wrapped in the "original 
text" window
[-] A bug that prevented normal restoring from a backup archive at first start-up
[-] (#0002361) Preview header sets were not stored while backing up
[*] (#0002578) Selection of an account in folder selection dialogue did not have any 
[-]  NFS:  The conversion of special syntax characters [] from OFS was
     corrected (it was \b..\b, now it's (\W|^)..(\W|$) )

The Bat!
[-] HTML: another fix of 'Invalid HTML'
[-] IMAP: some memory leaks
[-] IMAP: header field filtering
[-] NFS: Paste action
[-] (#0003552) Filtering on address books not working
[-] (#0003496) Cannot Create Virtual Folder 
[-]  (#0001133) Option "Leave messages on server" (after removing) was
     ignored   for   partial   messages   which  were  deleted  after
     successfully joined togeter.
[-] (#0003353) VF does not automatically refresh after importing a message
[-] (#0003336) Chat folder not deleted completely
[-] (#0003542) Problem with displaying more RTF documents in internal RTF viewer

The Bat!
[-] NFS : AV sometimes on just created filter
[-] NFS : copy/paste caused wrong filter identification
[-] NFS : common filters can be executed in wrong order
[-] NFS : minor cosmetic changes
[-] (#0003577) Probably fixed the Access Violation when is reg code added from message 
via "Help | Registration key"
[+] (#0000557) Added support for some non-standard date formats
[-] (#0000489) Folder's properties dialog (TFolderEditor) does not use localized 
folders names
[-] (#0000269) Reworked password query for password-protected accounts in the main 
[-] (#0000351) The help window is not closed upon closing of TB (Maxim Masiutin)
[-] (#0003577) Access Violation when is reg code added from message via "Help | 
Registration key"
[-] (#0003583) NFS: Selective download filters are broken
[-] (#0003569) Common filters erratic
[-] (#0003567) Mailto: links in Message Viewer (text)
[-] (#0000702) Systray menu items are not greyed out during backup
[-] (#0000701) 'Create new message' menu item in the systray menu works during backup 
(it shouldn't)
[-] (#0003446) Filter action : delete msg leaves ticker window active
[-] (#0003418) NFS - Delete message action does not work with other actions
[-] (#0001507) 'Manage IMAP folders' window has small default size, 'Close' botton is 
[-] (#0003575) The "Edit | Delete" menu entry does not work in NFS
[-] (#0003574) Search result -> VF incorrect filter condition
[-] (#0000489) Folder's properties dialog (TFolderEditor) does not use localized 
folders names
[-] (#0000557) Date 'Mon, Oct 22 2001 05:47:43 -0700' displayed as '23.01.2005'
[-] NFS : IMAP folder moving and renaming
[-] NFS : some cosmetic changes for selective download filters
[-] NFS : Common filters bug
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[-] (#0000861) Wrong URL parsing
[-] (#0000269) grid index out of range when authentication failed
[-] (#0003306) Default Addressbook problem
[-] (#0002701) 'Default address book' in account properties doesn't work
[-] (#0002749) Selected headers (Editor, Header pane) are stored in registry with 
CR/LF, they are lost after export and import
[-] (#0003282) File PROTOCOL.INI is not backuped
[-] (#0003562) NFS: Option "Send generated messages" in selective download filter has 
no usage
[-] (#0003560) NFS: Pop-up menu and Macros button are missing in actions of new 
filtering system
[-] (#0000269) Reworked password query for password-protected accounts in the main 
[-] (#0000861) Close bracket could have been marked as a part of URL if a punctuation 
mark followed the bracket.
[-] (#0000042) Missing possibility to send MIME forwarded messages with *.EML extension

The Bat!
[-] NFS : Error in getting 'Sender' field
[-] NFS : References weren't unpacked before filtering
[-] NFS : Add condition/Add block menu not worked
[-] NFS : some minor fixes
[-] (#0003612) NFS: Send generated messages immediately does not work
[-] (#0002828) Button "<<<" needs to be resized
[-] (#0001451) Quoted tabs become square blocks
[-] (#0002511) Comma Splice in "Delete messages" dialog box.
[-] (#0001687) Horizontal scrollbar is not displayed
[-] (#0003602) Test result strings not translatable
[-] (#0003603) Wrong caption text for Test filter action
[-] (#0003439) Bug in interface of address book
[-]  (#0003597) User login in Account properties is always restored as
     login (before @) only
[-]  (#0002668)  Using symbols '.', ',', '-' and so on in User Name in
     Account properties
[-] (#0003417) MapiMessage.flFlags MAPI_UNREAD logic is inverted
[-]  (#0000709) Sorting order of items is not reflected on the columns
     header (AB and Address pick-up)
[-] (#0000445) Textual attachment not shown inline
[-]  (#0002845)  Default  template for messages created by Sheduler is
     not available for translation
[-] (#0001725) encoding bug in HTML editor
[-] (#0002332) <BLOCKQUOTE>
[-] (#0003364) %OCHARSET returns nothing for US-ASCII in original message
[-] (#0003457) SSL & TSL protocol names mixed up
[-] (#0003586) Magic key Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L on Common Folders finds also
    account folders
[-] Fixed problems with Chinese characters in the folder maintaintance
    window and in the progress window.
[-]  After  upgrading  The  Bat!  to Version 3 from previous versions,
     evaluation period counter hasn't been reset.
[-]  THEBAT.LNG  now  can  have windows-compatible version information
     (right mouse button in Windows Explorer|Properties|Version) and Digital Signature.
[-] (#0003457) SSL & TSL protocol names mixed up
[-] (#0003364) %OCHARSET returns nothing for US-ASCII in original message

The Bat!
[-]  Top-Label  height  in  the  Folder  Maintainance  windows was not
     sufficient for Chinese characters
[-] (#0003029) Incorrect reassembling message/partial splitted messages
[-] (#0002461) Removing Dupes from IMAP folders not working
[-] (#0003224) Imap -duplicates messages found aren't removed
[-] (#0003536) Add to dictionnary IN HTML
[-]   (#0003635)   Incorrect   creation   time  when  importing  from
      UNIX-mailbox file
[-] (#0003231) Kill dupe function is broken in IMAP account
[-] (#0003360) Selecting VF's by typing their names not possible
[-] (#0003626) Filter dialog auto resize?
[-] (#0001741) Parameter "nowrap" is ignored
[-] (#0003629) AV when deleting a thread or a message in Chat Flolder
[-] (#0003442) NFS: Filter not triggering if Hot Key assigned
[-] (#0002240) TB! cannot follow by "empty"anchors
[-] (#0002155) HTML Editor do not convert character set
[-]  (#0003619)  Creating  subfilter  by cltr-alt-dragging not working
[-] (#0003617) Copy/Paste don't work in a few Templates of NFS
[-] (#0001593) HTML: fonts and hyperlink colours are ignored
[-] (#0003608) Missing strings for account validation
[-] (#0003618) Typo when testing filters
[-]  (#0003008)  Duplicate  mails on serverside will be received every
[-] (#0002240) TB! cannot follow by "empty"anchors
[+] Quick Templates can have parameters 
[-] NFS : cosmetic fixes
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[-] NFS : Hotkey filters
[-] NFS : some minor fixes
[-] IMAP: empty folder

The Bat!
[-] (#0003535) The Junk mail icon looks very importunate!
[-] (#0003551) Selecting "Thin view" in "Options | Preferences | Messages | Mail 
Ticker" not working 
[-] (#0003192) Clipboard saving encoding problem 
[-] (#0003687) Saving account info even if its creation has been cancelled 
[-] (#0002541) Click on MailTicket on the left of total messages counter has no any 
[-] (#0003462) Huge memory/virtual memory usage 
[-] (#0002366) Incompatibilities with HTML mail produced by MS Outlook 
[-] (#0002132) Invalid charset conversion when new mail created and focus moved to 
message edit filed. 
[-] (#0003423) Sometimes "find text" doesn't highlight the correct word 
[-] (#0002848) Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor 
[-] (#0003051) ?? ????????? ?????????? HTML (blockquote, CSS) 
[-] (#0001472) Problem with highlighting link in round brackets 
[-] (#0003009) Unexpected word-selection mode instead of single-character selection in 
[-] (#0002947) Fatal error viewing an empty HTML message 
[-] (#0001570) Block and Formatting Commands don't work in Windows and HTML Editor 
[-] (#0003645) Garbage in the account tree columns when changing the interface 
[-] (#0003335) Antispam support: spam score 
[-] (#0003135) $JUNK$ folder-specific setting for the deletion 
[-] (#0003666) HTML editor: menu items "Auto-Format", "Auto-wrap" and "Justify on 
wrap" not disabled in context menu 
[-] (#0002792) In AB, the column name of address list does not change while switching 
[-] (#0002571) extra line breaks in reply to HTML 
[-] (#0003680) HTML editor: options and icons "Cut", "Copy", "Delete" and "Copy to..." 
are permanently disabled 
[-] (#0003399) HTML: Wrong displaying of KOI8-R non-breaking space 
[-] (#0003675) Reversed logic in parameter checking 
[-] (#0003639) Tag "ul" not correctly rendered 
[-] (#0003217) memory leak in HTML rendering 
[-] (#0003528) Nested "blockquote" tag in HTML is not interpretted. 
[-] (#0002949) Wrong redraw 
[-] After upgrading to V3 from V2, the user might not get the full 30-day evaluational 
[+] Changed HTML memory use 
[-] NFS : some regexp fixes for selective downloading
[-] NFS : watching folder and auto-creation
[+] NFS : last selected filter remembered
[-] IMAP: improvements with VFs
[-] IMAP: memory leaks
[*] IMAP: alternative automatic filtration

The Bat!
[-] (#0003581) %Cursor="" doesn't work in Quick Templates
[-] (#0003024) RTV/RFC-822 Headers: "End"/"Shift+End" shortcuts place cursor before 
the last character 
[-] (#0003277) Critical message when "To:" field is blank in Edit mail message window 
[-] (#0003712) Wrog tan index order in HTML editor 
[-] (#0003616) Difference between Mail ticker right click menu vs Preferences options 
[-] (#0003614) Fonts in MailTicker can't be italic 
[-] (#0003681) Toolbar icons in "Adress Auto-view" dialog are not centered 
[-] (#0002591) The Bat! hang up while open/preview some emails 
[-] (#0002661) The Bat freeze when preview/open some utf 8 mail 
[-] (#0000239) Can't reliably auto-view headers in Dispatcher 
[-] (#0003715) ends with filter does not work 
[-] (#0003716) Invalid pointer operation when sending HTML mail with hyperlink 
[-] (#0003276) Critical message for "text not found" window instead "Warning message" 
[-] (#0001756) Text starting with '<' symbol disappears when switching from Plain text 
to HTML only 
[-] (#0001669) HTML formatting is lost, when is 'HTML' format changed to 'HTML/Plain' 
[-] (#0003684) Addresses with + in the mailbox won't allow right click context options 
[-] (#0003702) "Replied" and "Forwarded" icons covers each other on message list 
[-] (#0003703) PGP/MIME doesn't work when selected over Privacy menu 
[-] (#0003707) Cannot create or modify filters 
[-] (#0003658) System folders rename on disk 
[-] (#0003275) Some displayed headers lack the colon 
[-] (#0003474) Incorrect chars ??????? instead international chars are displayed in 
Preferences dialog 
[-] (#0002345) unable perform text search in some mails 
[-] (#0003639) Tag "ul" not correctly rendered 
[-] (#0002542) Wrong menu status in Tools > Search 
[-] (#0003265) Field "To" is cleared when using aut-fill function and switching 
[-] (#0002538) Confirmation dialog "There are no unread messages in this folder..." 
needs improvements 
[-] NFS : notifications fixes
[-] NFS : minor fixes
[-] IMAP: minor fixes

The Bat!
[-] (#0003451) VF does not update changes in Outbox
[-] (#0002848) Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor 
[-] (#0002957) VF does not refresh when it gets focus from another folder 
[-] (#0003674) Quick Search doesn't work in message lists and message views 
[-] (#0003741) Cosmetics bug in Maintenenance Centre 
[-] (#0003745) Dialog "Search string ... not found" is not used in HTML editor 
[-] (#0003724) Can't view an HTML mail with 
[-] (#0003295) View source (F9) crashes TB! while Virtual Folders are counting 
[-] (#0003633) Connection Centre: Never ending task when sending 
[-] (#0003024) RTV/RFC-822 Headers: "End"/"Shift+End" shortcuts place cursor before 
the last character 
[-] (#0003729) Icon "Dispatch mail in server" in Account specials toolbar is not 
displayed whole on left side 
[-] (#0003720) "Additional params" string in filter condition is not available for 
[-] (#0003476) Remove duplicates does not work. 
[-] (#0003553) "Create if necessary" doesn't create 
[-] (#0003738) AV when switching Message format from plain text to HTML in the Editor 
[-] (#0003730) Message produces "Invalid HTML error" 
[-] (#0003736) Error AccessViolation when choice for new letter Message format - HTML 
[-] (#0003728) Maintenance Centre: $KNOWN$, $JUNK$ and other folders' name incorrectly 
[-] (#0003442) NFS: Filter not triggering if Hot Key assigned 
[-] International characters (different from regional settings of Windows) were 
displayed correctly in the message list but as ??????? in the message header, if these 
characters were encoded as 8-bit in the message header.
[-] Add calculate function to HTML&Windows edits.
[-] IMAP: send message fix

The Bat! 3.0.1 RC1
[-] (#0001482) MailTicker updating problems during session
[-] (#0003754) Some Macros can't be insert from context menu in filter-template 
[-] (#0001246) It is not possible to select Contacts with Ctrl and then with Shift 
[-] (#0003728) Maintenance Centre: $KNOWN$, $JUNK$ and other folders' name incorrectly 
[-] (#0002534) Systray icon is not updated, when is IMAP account with unread messages 
[-] (#0002677) Message with empty To field can't be printed 
[-] (#0003741) Cosmetics bug in Maintenenance Centre 
[-] (#0003759) There aren't edit mode indicators in smartbat 
[-] (#0003760) HTML special character &amp; isn't converted to & in plain text view 
[-] (#0002807) Msg Finder <--> VF not in harmony, possibility to create invalid VF 
[-] (#0002850) Message Finder does not search in Virtual Folders 
[-] (#0003526) Could not search in VF 
[-] (#0003732) NFS filter performance is very slow 
[-] (#0002676) quoted printable header/8bit body doesn't work for new accounts 
[-] (#0003748) Find text in RTV broken 
[-] (#0001571) Message in UTF8 is not correctly displayed 
[-] (#0003367) Parent folders are not highlighted when in a child VF there are unread 
[-] (#0003554) Use F4 to reply with quoting select text lead to partial text quoted 
[-] (#0002432) Selected background color for header pane not present 
[-] (#0003594) Cosmetic bug on the delete message button of the Toolbar 
[-] (#0003745) Dialog "Search string ... not found" is not used in HTML editor 
[-] (#0003751) HTML message is shown as blank 
[-] (#0002597) Screen shortcuts not working 
[+] Search in found messages is now possible (not on IMAP yet)
[-] S/MIME message description was displayed using incorrect character set if The Bat! 
interface language was different from the Windows locale settings.
[-] NFS : IMAP optimizations
[-] IMAP: minor fixes
[+] UI: log panel change

The Bat! 3.01 RC2
[-]  (#0003775)  Toolbar  buttons  "Copy" and "Copy to..." are allways
     disabled in Viewer window
[-]  (#0003735)  No History for "Find text" dialog in Windows and HTML
[-] (#0003770) Menu problem in editor window 
[-]  (#0003766)  The  chosen VF does not show new messages in the list
     after receive of mail
[-] (#0003747) message list pane is empty for VF on The Bat! start. 
[-] (#0003771) Message produces "Invalid HTML error" No.2 
[-] (#0003761) Counter in VF increases when deleting attachments 
[-] (#0001571) Message in UTF8 is not correctly displayed 
[-] (#0003768) The Log panel cannot be toggled on and off 
[-] (#0003769) Shouldn't be possible to import message to a VF 
[-] (#0003751) HTML message is shown as blank 
[-] IMAP : minor fixes
[-] NFS : minor fixes 
[-]  Fixed  the  "view  incomplete  chain" bug. When a user encrypts a
     message   using   S/MIME   internal  implementation,  the list of
     recipient  certificates   is  displayed.  When  the  user  clicks
     to   view   own  certificate   and   the   issuer's   certificate
     resides   in  the  user's account,  not  in the address book, the
     incomplete chain is shown when the user clicks "View" button.
[*] Reworked internal S/MIME module.
[*] New Splash
[*] New About

The Bat! 3.01 RC3
[-] (#0003796) RC2: Show stopper AVs, at least for me
[-] (#0003755) Outbox icon in accounts tree is too much overloaded 
[-] (#0003411) IMAP message priority not showing for IMAP mail. 
[-] (#0003480) Filtering with IMAP works bad 
[-] (#0002676) quoted printable header/8bit body doesn't work for new
[-] (#0001765)  Finder:  when  is  "Anywhere"  scope  selected, other
    options in Scope section are not disabled
[-] (#0003787) Annoying language selection 
[*] (#0001765)  Behaviour  of  the  Anywhere check box in the Message
    Finder is more "natural" now
[*] When   8bit   characters  in  body  are  used  without  change,
    Quoted-Printable encoding is used by default in the message header

The Bat! 3.01 RC4
[-] (#0003803) NFS: Actions tab button layout
[-] (#0003693) Address picker does not retain size and position. 
[-] (#0003801) NFS: right pane blinks on opening the NFS 
[-] (#0003782) VF contains messages of watched folder when emptying VF 
[-]  (#0003620)  Virtual  folders  loosing  pointers  to messages when
     watched folders are compressed
[-] (#0003524) Different fonts in the bottons of the NFS 
[-] (#0003584) NFS: No down/up buttons 
[-] (#0003798) "Registered to" text in splash is corrupted. 
[-] (#0003795) No license information(version) is displayed 
[-] (#0003800) Attempting to display About screen freezes program 
[-] (#0003829)  problem with splash screen after "Send To -> The Bat"
[-] (#0003823) Sometimes a problem with startup logo 
[-] (#0003812) The first field in the Status Bar is too small for long
    account names
[-] (#0003824)  String "UNREGISTERED VERSION" in new splash screen is
     not available for translation
[-] (#0002706) Changing From (Name|Address) in Account Properties will
    set according Reply-To, if empty
[-] (#0003749) Move an account doesn't change order everywhere 
[-] (#0003527) Signed message is not immediately recognized 
[-] (#0003817) Editor of Quick templates doesn't allow to select text
    by doubleclick
[-] (#0003825) Bottom of Trash icon in accounts tree is cutted 
[-] (#0003639) Tag "ul" not correctly rendered 
[-] (#0003793) TB consumes almost 100% CPU selecting corrupted spam message 
[-] (#0003775)  Toolbar  buttons  "Copy" and "Copy to..." are allways
     disabled in Viewer window
[-] (#0003815) Text Editor: only the 'to:' field is indicated by default 
[-] (#0003813)  The  NFS  sets all priority actions to NORMAL after a
    language change
[+] NFS : quick search (in name, actions, conditions)
[-] VF: minor fixes
[-] IMAP: minor fixes

The Bat! 3.01 RC5
[-] (#0003778) No sufficient room for chinese label in input account password dialog
[-] (#0003462) Huge memory/virtual memory usage 
[-] (#0003515) AV ??? ?????????????? ????? ???????? 
[-] (#0003850) Toolbar icons "Move Up/Down/Out/In" are not disabled in parts of 
Actions tab 
[-] (#0003851) Button "Add" in Actions tab is enabled even no action is selected in 
"Available actions" section 
[-] (#0003826) Win+M does not minimize The Bat! 
[-] (#0003268) Virtual folders - actions are also applied other messages than selected 
[-] (#0002963) VF Error in marking read messages 
[-] (#0003676) "The topic does not exist" bug 
[-] (#0003806) IMAP: Read messages get marked as Unread when sent to trash. 
[-] (#0000908) Auto-format prevents correct text edition 
[-] (#0003852) No confirmation dialog is displayed, when is toolbar icon "Delete" used 
for deleting a filter 
[-] (#0003855) NFS toolbar hints are not available for translation 
[-] (#0003699) Sorting Office dialog title text doesn't reflect the tab selected 
[-] (#0003847) Toolbar can be hidden, but can't be enabled and its status is not 
[-] (#0003846) NFS: Wrong tabs are active

Groetjes, Roelof

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Attachment: pgpB898aMxbEW.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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