Hello Marck,

Thursday, September 30, 2004, 10:34:25 PM, you wrote:

MDP> I do this by putting each of these subscripts into Quick Templates. I
MDP> then put the name of the QT containing the list specific suffix in the
MDP> AB entry for each, in the phone number field. My signature then looks
MDP> like this:

MDP> %if:"%ABtoPhone"<>"":"%qinclude(%ABtoPhone)"%-
MDP> %qinclude(vsig)

MDP> That means a single template works for all lists and the lists that
MDP> need extras, get them.

I am very interested in this conversation because I also belong to
lots mailing lists and write to lots of people with different sigs and
in different languages.

But I'm still learning macro language, and templates, and QTs, and

Let me see if I understood your idea. You create a ABGroup for the
several lists. You create a QT for each sig. You put the QT handle in
the phone number field, in the case you have a specific sig for that

Now your macro: if the phone number field has some text in it, the QT
with that handle should be included, if not a QT with the handle vsig
is included. Is this right?

This macro should be written in the exact place I want the signature,
right?  Because I want the QT to be applied at that exact position. Is
this correct?

I am sorry for righting such a confusing text, but I am trying to see
if I understood this correctly.

Apart from the Help File, is there any other reference where I might
study the macro language and the Templates and QT?

Best regards,
 Cristina in Lisbon, Portugal :flag-portugal:
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