Hello Roelof,

Historians believe that on 07 October 2004, at 14:24:36 +0200 (which was
13:24 where I live) Roelof Otten you wrote (and possibly edited)

>>> Currently we're testing release candidate 5 for TB 3.01, so I guess
>>> the most waiting has been done.

>> Sorry but that info means nothing to me - do you mean there is never
>> an RC6 or that there isn't usually, or...

> I've never seen an RC5 before, but Ritlabs is working very hard on a
> release without real issues.

>> And do you _know_ that the filter business has been sorted in 3.01?

> Nobody is complaining about non functional filters anymore in the beta
> list, that's the only thing I can say. I think they're right, but
> 'knowing' it, is something else.

I was having a lot of trouble with filters prior to RC3 but now they have
gone away.

What were your problems ?

 Cheers,                   _______________________________________________
  David                   |    David  Elliott    |   Software  Engineer   |
 _________________________| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID 0x650F4534  |
| Mentos: The mints of death.                                             |
| Using The Bat ! 3.0.1 RC5                                               |
| but crippled by Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2                      |

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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