Wednesday, October 27, 2004, 7:02:48 AM, (Internet Time - @543) you wrote:

Hello Alexander,

ASK> When I use alternative forward, I end up with an empty reply template
ASK> and a "1.eml" attachment with the original HTML message just as you
ASK> said but errrrm...

ASK> Well, forwarding messages with MS Outlook here at work places the
ASK> message, exactly as it was, in the message window & puts the forward
ASK> headers on top of it - and this is what I would expect when I forward
ASK> a (HTML) message. And redirecting should really put the HTML message
ASK> into the editor exactly as it is - and not mangle and thus effectively
ASK> destroy it (I end up with an .html attachment and the pictures as
ASK> separate attachments, no good)... or is it just me?

I just tried it both ways, with and with out the
Account/Properties/Templates/Forward (Forward messages as attachments
- Mime Standard).

What I got was, with it UNCHECKED, like you the 1.eml, which wasn't
what I was expecting. But when I CHECKED the box, I got a message with
my Forwarding Template in one tab and the other tab message.html.

I have no way of checking the actual message for sure, but I believe
the second method, as Roelof mentioned, with the box checked will show
the message in HTML to the person you are sending it to.

Will have to try some more testing and will let you know.

Best regards,
 Michael       :texasflag:           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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