Hi all,

I posted the following on the forum and someone suggested I'd get more
feedback posting it in this mailing list:

 I have been a The Bat! user for years now, paid for a licence and upgraded when v2 
 For a few months now I've switchen from retrieving a number of seperate accounts on 
 computers to one imap account that retrieves the mail, which I access through the 
Bat. Since
 then the IMAP support in The Bat has been irritating me to no end. With v3 I was 
reluctant to
 upgrade and am now running the trail on a PC I was using Mozilla Thunderbird on 
before, which
 I was considering using as my primary email client, despite some lacking features 
 templates, etc).

There are a few issues that are still present in the Bat v3 that are keeping me from 

- new mail issues. I enabled play sound on new mail and the animation for detection of 
new mail.
However when new mail arrives in my imap acount in a subfolder, instead of the folder 
being bold
with a "1" behind it, there is a *, which does indicate unread mail but does not 
affect the animation,
so I still don't know there's new mail. The sound doesn't seem to work at all and if 
it did I'd still
want to have the animation working if, say, I was not at my desk when the mail arrived 
and when I get
back I could still see that there's new/unread mail. This is properly supported in 
Mozilla Thunderbird.
- all this wouldn't be all that bad if the Mail Ticker settings (and other folder 
settings for that matter)
would be inherited by the subfolders. I use folder for different email addresses, and 
subfolder for things
such as different customers. When I set an identity for the main folder, I have to set 
them for each of
the subfolders as well. Highly time consuming. Same goes for the mail ticker setting. 
Can't there at least
be an option to select whether or not you want the settings to be applied to the 

If someone from the Ritlabs team can give me some satisfactory answers to these 
remarks, I'll probably upgrade
to v3. Otherwise I'd seriously be considering switching to Thunderbird.

Best regards,

Karin van den Berg

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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