
Yesterday I decided to improve my addresses management by using new filter system and 
addresses books.

I first create a common filter for all my 5 accounts that looks into "TO" "CC" and 
"BCC" fields of a new sent mail to add addresses in a group of my addresses book named 
"Personal White List".

This filter seems to work great.

So, I decided to work better, and make a group by account in addresses book. SO, I 
create these 5 groups, and create a new filter like the common one for each 5 account.

I first create filter for account 1 : 

OUTGOING MAIL of account 1
name : "my_filter_captureAdresses_for_account 1"
General : address book \does not contain  \all recipients
Actions : Add addresses from TO:, CC:, BCC:, to groups "Personnal White List Group for 
account 1"
Option : this filter is active

Then, I copied / Pasted this filter for each account and after, just changed the name, 
and the target addresses Book Group. For example, the 2nd filter for account 2 become :

OUTGOING MAIL of account 2
name : "my_filter_captureAdresses_for_account 2"
General : address book \does not contain  \all recipients
Actions : Add addresses from TO:, CC:, BCC:, to groups "Personnal White List Group for 
account 2"
Option : this filter is active

I quickly discovered than when I left and came back to TB, all changes done for 
adaptation of filter by account was lost. For my 5 accounts, TB has keep the same 
name, same rules and same addresses group targets. All rules stay the same as account 
1 !

Well, I decided to kill all the rules, left TB, launch again, and re create manually 
the filters and rules. And great, I see that changes are staying correct.


Now, those rules and filters work when I receive new mail !!! The addresses go to my 
addresses book!!! Yes, on Incoming email. But I 'm sure because I've just checked 
this, rules are set for OUTGOING Mails.

Big problem... Panic in my adresses book!  Hundreds of adding !

Because I'm tired with those filters problems, I kill all filters. But now I become 
crazy. The filters go on ! They are killed, I've left TB, reboot my computer, launch 
TB again but outgoing email rules carry on even they are killed.

What's happen ? What can I do ? Help...



BayesIt! 0.7.3
Windows XP
Service Pack 1
Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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