Hello David,

Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 7:18:19 PM, you wrote:

DMD> Hello, everyone.

DMD> I apologize for bringing up the subject of Norton
DMD> AntiVirus (NAV) and The Bat!, again -- but one
DMD> serious concern I have is that Norton AntiVirus does
DMD> not work with The Bat!, which causes concern about
DMD> registering The Bat!.

Although I can't offer any suggestions as to remedying your problem, I
can tell you that I am currently running Norton System Works 2003
version 6.01 build 57 with no problems. I purchased this version
shortly after it came out but was never able to get it to install
properly on my Sony Viao desktop running Win98. However, I kept it
around and ultimately loaded it this machine which runs Win XP Pro as
you can see below.

Fortunately it hasn't caught any infected incoming email in quite a
while (that was actually the previous version 2002 running on the
aformentioned Sony) but my address book is quite small so I do not
have a lot of email traffic. It *does* display a progress bar on all
outgoing emails and I have never been contacted by anyone claiming I
sent them an infected email.

If I can provide any other information please don't hesitate to
contact me.


Best regards,
 Jack                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now running TB! v2.11.02 from
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 - Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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