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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 5 Nov 2004,
   @  @      at 09:19:21 +0100, when Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

> Hello z5worg,

> Friday, November 5, 2004, 12:23:31 AM, you wrote:

>> But I still cannot open the "System Volume Information" folder. Have
>> you open that folder and copied any files from that folder?

> Do not fiddle around with that folder, please. |It contains your system
> restore points and other stuff. It is not acces|sible to any user.
> Please, mate, leave it alone. The fact that you| can't access it,
> either from TC or Win Explorer, is not a fault.| If you ever need that
> folder (I did once, on the machine of one of ou|r customers) you'll be
> more than happy to find everything in there pro|tected from mangling by
> all-too-curious end users.                     |
                                                 \--> Why not? (: It's a
way for learning something. We always can make something foolish, but if
we are wise, we'll learn something useful from our foolishness. Hiding
things cannot help us in any way if we are not able to learn.

In first weeks of my dealing with computers, I once deleted entire
Windows directory ("What's that? It's too big. I need more space."). And
it was foolish of course. But, in the same time it was WISE. Why?
Because already at THAT time the seed of insight that it is a BLOATED OS
has been sprout in my first steps in learning about computers. Later,
this seed came to the fruit called Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional
IVa Enterprise Millennium, and ever after it was the spring of JOY.

We cannot protect people just by protecting them all the time. Sometimes
we have to leave them alone, and "allow" them to do what they want. The
most important part is, though, in providing them with enough
informations, about what they could expect from what they are doing, and
our "mission" is perfectly accomplished. (-:

Such informations are already delivered to z5worg, but I didn't see that
anyone told him *how to do what he want*. So, please? (-: Are we
gentlemen or what? Do we expect five bucks for information. (-;

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
    --- __@
   -- _-\<,_
 --- (_)/ (_)
[Earth LOG: 65 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
    with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
    and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


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