Hallo ****,


On Sat, 6 Nov 2004 10:27:15 +0100GMT (6-11-2004, 10:27 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

Z> That looks more like it although, at the risk of being called a ****, I need to
Z> say that this seems slightly more the we were discussing.

Of course. It had to be consistent.

Z> You wrote:

RO>> Need an option to place a message (both replies and new messages) into the
RO>> folder it originated. Preferrable an option in the account settings an option in
RO>> the folder settings that can override the account setting.

Z> I obviously agree with the reply part but having a new msg placed in the folder
Z> that it was created will undoubtedly create the same problems as Folder
Z> templates.

Huh? Don't quite follow you here. AMOF I don't see any differences
between new messages, forwards and replies, apart from the template

Z> Fortunately these get over ruled by address book templates but you seem
Z> to suggest a way to stop this over ruling.

What I meant was that it's all very fine to get my messages into the
same folder as they were created, but that wouldn't do for list
folders. In those folders I'd get stuck with duplicates of my own
messages. I'm not really interested in 2266 duplicates (that's the
number of messages I sent to this list)

Z> Am I correct.

Not really. The only thing I want is messages (new, replies, forwards)
to be placed in the originating folder. And I'd like that as an
account setting, but I also want to be able to disable that account
setting on a folder base.

At this moment I've got only one account, but it has got 115 folders.
I don't think there are five of them with a folder template. However I
guess that there are over 50 with a folder identity.
I can't always use that folder identity as a filter trigger, since
some of those folders use the same identity. So that's where I'd like
this feature.

Apart from that, as long as the feature isn't implemented, I don't
know what takes precedence, this option or the sorting office. When
the SO has precendence, I guess I could grudgingly live without a
setting per folder (though I'd need more filters than now), but if
this option takes precedence, I definitely only want it for a
restricted number of folders. Otherwise I'd need multiple accounts and
that would defeat my current setup.

Groetjes, Roelof

Experiencing synaptical difficulties; Please stand by.

The Bat! Rush
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

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