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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sat, 6 Nov 2004,
   @  @      at 17:33:57 +0100, when Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

> My virus scanner also checks TB's messagebase format (I'm using GData
> AVK, it contains the KAV and the BitDefender engine) and does find
> messages with malicious attachments that way - I don't know if thats a
> special feature of GData's AVK or if this is part of either the KAV or
> BD engine.

I don't know. Anyway, if it finds such attachments in the such mail-base
form then it only can be good.

>> Try this and see yourself. Put a virus file as an attachment in a new
>> message, save it in Outbox, and scan the respective TBB file/the message
>> base. Will show nothing. Check directly out the attachment in TB, and AV
>> will react.

> I don't even get that far because the scanner catches the .tmp file with
> the virus... because I haven't excluded the folder where TB puts its .tmp
> files... :-}

Of course, for a such test, an AV dog firstly has to be disabled, no?.
(-; Then you place the infected file where you want, and then you enable
the AV again. (-:

>> I have to throw some turkey slices (from my Candy freezer I bought for
>> about 250 Euros, for my winter [Native] American turkeys, instead Win
>> XP, after I had tried it for a month or so) on the grill now. Hungry. (:
>> You are welcome to participate. (-:

> Thanks for the offer *g*. That would mean travelling to Serbia if I'm not
> guessing all wrong, and I fear it would be a little bit too far to arrive
> in time for dinner. :-)

Yes, you remembered good. (: The freezer (I mean my Candy freezer I
bought for about 250 Euros, for my winter [Native] American turkeys,
instead Win XP, after I had tried it for a month or so) is in New
Belgrade. I don't know the speed of Danube, but if you'd use its current
you'd come very near my home. (-:

OK, then, some other time. (:

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 67 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
    with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux, and with Bochs 2.1.1
    with a small DLX Linux;
    and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


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