Hello patnet,
Monday, November 15, 2004, 10:28:14 PM, you wrote:

Hello patnet,

  A reminder of what [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed on:
  Monday, November 15, 2004 at 22:28:14 GMT -0600

phrc> It is so discouraging to see all my work getting
phrc> organized going down the tubes.

phrc> Again, thank you. If you (or anyone) can help I would sure appreciate it.

One more thing. I noticed a couple of irregularities in replying to
you. One you will notice above. I highlighted the info that is
proceeded by:
When I used F4 to reply to the quoted text it included the two
greetings you see above. One is from my reply template the other I
don't know.

Secondly, your reply to me does not contain a reference header. Is
this by design?

Maybe this is related to your problem, or not. Maybe the gurus can

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 
 On Windows 98 4.10 Build #2222

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