Hello, everyone.

I found a "simple program" that will help "fight
back spam," and that I thought might be useful as
a supplement to The Bat! and the BayesIt! plug-in.

The description and URL of this SourceForge.Net
project are as follows:

ABUSE: http://spam-abuse.sourceforge.net/


Abuse is a simple program which will help you fight
back spam. It will "read" any e-mail header, go
on-line and check NICs, open relay DBs and black-
listed IP ranges to discover the address of the
abuse-desk you should write to.

Further it will tell you if the sender's IP address
is an open relay or is blacklisted as a spam source.

Simply right-click on a desired e-mail and Abuse
will automatically extract headers and either print
the relevant abuse-desks or directly e-mail them
a letter of complaint (LART).

Abuse is still in a beta phase and some of the
features we had planned have not yet been
implemented (full caching system, integration
with main e-mail clients, a more intuitive
interface...); please bear with us while we work
on improving the code....

I hope that this information is of interest to the members of TBUDL. In addition, I would appreciate suggestions of similar or more mature software.

Thank you very much! HTH!



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