On Monday, November 22, 2004, 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PJ>> Well, I got the transfer sorted and TB! is now neatly installed on
PJ>> my new computer, but alas, there still seems to be a hang problem.
PJ>> I checked with the ISP and there is no problem there. I can only
PJ>> assume it is the new computer, possibly SP2 (though how that would
PJ>> affect one account in my email program I don't know) or a
PJ>> different conflict.

MB> When you were first trying to sort out the "hang" problem, it was on
MB> my mind to wonder if you were up to trying a beta.


MB> Since you have WinRar you could easily get the or the
MB> installed right over The Bat! files you have now.

MB> That's if you wanted to sign up as a beta tester. All the developers
MB> ask is that you use it normally--that's the minimum, and that's what I
MB> do--and report any difficulties on the tbbeta list.

Mary already knows this, but for the benefit of others who may wonder,
I did sign up and download the latest beta release, and so far the
hang problem has been resolved. I'm still nervous every time the
Connection Centre pops up and starts downloading but I'm sure I'll get
over it. :-)

Thanks to those who were helpful and patient during what turned out to
be quite an ordeal; especially Mary, who hung in there with me long
into the stormy night. :-)

I don't think I realized until this past week how much I rely on TB!,
not just to receive mail but to organize keep records and sort out all
the different threads of my life. Whew!

Best wishes,

A Canadian in Houston
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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