Hello Ralph,

Friday, November 26, 2004, 4:57:31 PM, you wrote:

> @Friday, November 26, 2004, 05:35 you wrote:

>> If you are running Windows XP Home, that tab is
>> not visible unless you boot into Safe Mode.

> You could try FaJo XP File Security Extension v0.9 (XP FSE) from
> www.fajo.de - this tool helped me a lot fiddling around with
> different rights, because it makes the security tabs visible in Win
> XP Home WITHOUT booting in safe mode...

I downloaded the FaJo program yesterday and tried it out. Yes now I can see the 
security for each folder. But the thing is that use DOES have full rights for 
the folder.
I was looking now a bit closer at the folder and the content. My problem was 
that TB! said it can't store the file in that folder with the name bat22.tmp or 
so. Well they are THERE. TB is saving them. Does TB actually mean it can't take 
that TMP file and save it somewhere else? That's great - where? LOL.

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:


Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush, Opera v7.54.3865 on WinXP Home v2600 SP2

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