Fri, 26 Nov 2004 04:54:16 +0000 (11:54 PM EST Thu here) MFPA wrote:

> Hi

> On Tuesday, 23 November, 2004, at 8:33:34 PM, Dan Grunberg wrote:

>>> I used a command line utility called CACLS to edit permissions.

>> Will that work in XP Home?

> Yes.

>> If it will, how do you use it?

> ********************************************************* Please
> note I do not claim to be an expert. You follow my suggestions at
> your own risk.
> *********************************************************

> Open a command window. (Start menu > Run > cmd)

> Change the directory by typing (without the quotes) "cd C:\Program
> Files\The Bat!" (assuming that's where you have installed it)

> Type (without quotes) "cacls *.* /t /e /g Users:f"

> Just typing "cacls" without all the switches should bring up a list
> of what they do, or you could google for it.

>>> Alternatively, copy the "speller" directory to somewhere the user
>>> does have write permission, such as C:\Documents and
>>> Settings\Your_User_Name\Application Data\The Bat! and tell TB to
>>> look there.

>> If I go this route, how should I "tell TB to look there?"

> Method 1: In a "New Message" window, Spell Checker > Dictionaries...
> > Add File. Then browse to where you've copied the files to and
> click "open".

> This will add entries to the file list at Spell Checker >
> Dictionaries... > File:. You can remove the extras from the list
> with the "remove" button. Probably easier to remove before adding if
> the file names in both locations are the same.

> If you want to add the custom dictionary that you've put words into
> from MS word or OE it's probably at C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\USER_NAME\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Proof\\CUSTOM.DIC

> Method 2: edit the registry.

This didn't solve the problem. Non-administrators still can't add
words to the spelling lists.

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
       MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
       Windows XP v5.1 - Build 2600 - Service Pack 2


Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA

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