Hello Alexander,

Friday, December 10, 2004, 5:56:30 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Jurgen Haug & everyone else,

> on 10-Dez-2004 at 17:48 you (Jurgen Haug) wrote:

>> there's only 1 (one) program from MS that I like (a lot) and that's Excel.

> Have you tried OpenOffice? My (simple) needs for a spreadsheet are easily
> fulfilled by OO.

yes, and I am using it at home for Word and Presentation, but for what I do, I 
need Excel (Plenty of Excel VBA programming in it).

Presently I am using the betas of the v2 OOo and I really like the latest beta.

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:


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