Ken Green [KG], wrote:

KG> I'm having folders disappear. They are on the server (evidenced by
KG> logging in with another client or webmail). Not sure exactly how/when
KG> they disappear - I just start noticing messages that should be getting
KG> filtered staying in the Inbox. I check the filter and re-filter the
KG> Inbox and nothing happens. Then I notice that the folder that the
KG> messages are being filtered to is gone. (happens to be TBOT folder).

KG> I cannot re-create the folder in TB because it exists on the server
KG> (error).


I see from a later post that you use Horde IMP Webmail... what IMAP
server do you use?

Nonetheless, I think there is more than one problem at work here. TB!
IMAP filtering is unreliable and frequently fails to move messages (I
mostly use server-side filtering.) But I can't recall folders
disappearing... messages yes... folders no.

I see you are creating folders in INBOX... and recall some Linux
distributions not placing the inbox with an account's mail folders. I
vaguely recall having problems with this configuration (with TB!) and
used another client to create folders. What happens if you create
folders from account root, i.e. not in the INBOX? Also, have you tried
specifying the root folder in account preferences?

Another thought. Have you used Manage IMAP Folders, reset the folder
list and confirmed each subscription? And how do you specify the
folder name? TBOT, INBOX;TBOT or INBOX/TBOT etc? It may be worth
starting a shell session to see what TB! is doing server side.

.\\artin | ICQ 15893823

"What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose
his own soul?" ST MATTHEW 16:26
IMAP Client: The Bat! Version | Horde IMP WebMail
IMAPS Server: Dovecot | OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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