On Tue 4-Jan-05 5:07pm -0600, Roelof Otten wrote:

>> I just got a reminder today.  It said the birthday is
>> TODAY.  Actually the birthday is tomorrow.
>> It's not WAD, it's a bug.

> I got a reminder today too.
> TB was running and I got a reminder at 5 January 0:00 hour
> Birthday was set for 5 January, so I guess there's something more the
> matter than birthday warnings a day early.
> Probably it has something to do with timezones and the like as I see
> that you're at GMT -0600, while I am at +0100. I seem to recall a
> similar issue with the scheduler.

Indeed it does, see https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=3427

It doesn't seem that hard to fix, but it's received no
attention from the development team.

I'll copy 9val - he usually gets things done.

Best regards,

Beta Pro  BayesIt! 0.7.10 DEBUG  X-Ray  XMP 0.9.6  XP Pro SP2  

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