Hello TB'ers,

I use the following macro for my email on TB lists:


I thought Gmane was NOT suppose to archive my messages. After I saw my
email showing up in Gmane I went back and checked. It looks like they
show up from the middle of November '04. I have not changed the
X-Archive header.

,----- [ Per Allie in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
| To prevent your messages from appearing at all, use the header:
| X-Archive: expiry=0
| Use that header alone. Combining it with 'X-No-Archive: Yes' is
| unnecessary and can actually cause problems in that these switches are
| applied as they're encountered. The X-No-Archive header could nullify
| the expiry header if the former appears after the latter.

Looks like something changed on Gmane's archival system. What?

Best Regards,
Greg Strong 

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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