Hello Kevin,

Friday, January 28, 2005, 7:28:46 PM, you wrote:

G>> I had 2 more of these e-mails this morning :( If I get them at
G>> regular intervals I will try disabling this spam filter and see if
G>> they disappear.

> My guess is that its either misconfigured spam software or a trojan
> spam engine that isn't working as intended. In spite of their small
> size and lack of a message body, I report them to SpamCop anyway.

I think I got those spams via my old Geocities account which forwarded it to my 
Yahoo account. I couldn't stop the Geocities account forwarding that stuff so I 
just too a new Yahoo account. Never got that again.

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

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