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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sun, 30 Jan 2005,
   @  @      at 11:48:39 +0000, when Tony Boom wrote:

> Next time someone asks "Can people read signed mail" I'll just say
> yes.

An excellent choice, James. (-:

>  I bet someone would still say "Well actually no you can't".

This just partially possible and depends on circumstances, we are
encircled by, or even surrounded with, then on our inner and exterior
state, but on the interstate as well, as well as in many other similar,
and different, situations we may find ourselves, or not, or even find
ourselves lost in (for the difference of being lost out).

For instance, to be shorter and more understandable, it's good, mainly,
and usually, although there are some and few exceptions, here and there,
sometimes, but not always, or not *very* always, it's good therefore to
say that it doesn't work in dark, but it also will not work if someone
keeps his/her fingers in your eyes, or is tapping your forehead, by a
very large palm, while you try to read it, the mail, or when an object
is between your eyes and the signed mail, which is not limpid enough,
the object, as a belly dancer, for instance, being it she or he, or even
It, or similar, but something totally different would work as well, not
only a belly dancer, regardless of how she/he/It might be handsome,
attractive, sexy, or totally, or just partially, repulsive, until it
just is not limpid enough, or simply if the handwriting is so ugly and
formless that no one can bear with it, and is hence rather doing
something else, more pleasant, for eyes, and/or the other organs, or
else, in general, or in particular, whatever happens first, counting
backward, or forward, or elsehow, that is or otherwise.

That would be it. In short.

Marry Sunday. (:

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
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