Hello David,

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 5:38:04 AM, you wrote:

MR>> I don't think you can download images directly into the message pane,
MR>> but you should be able to open the attached HTML document into a
MR>> browser if you really want to see all the images.

> Yeah, I know that.  He wants to be able to open the images right in
> the menu pane like Thunderbird or Pocomail does.

yeah that would be nice, it would have made me convert some people to TB! This 
and HTML mail as standard when you start a new mail. Each time I show collegues 
TB! (am the only one using that at work) that's one of the first things that 
makes them go away.

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

"In Europe you have watches but in Africa we have time"

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