Hello Peter Meyns

  On 14 février 2005 at 19:15:09GMT +0100 (which was 13:15 where I live) Peter 
Meyns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

PM> Your messages were both PGP/MIME signed. Where can I get your public
PM> key to verify the sigs?

PM> You can always view your sig by pressing {F9}. Still, you must have
PM> enabled PGP/MIME somewhere. Easiest way for the current message is to
PM> go to menu Privacy and check the entries. Next would be to review all
PM> templates and account settings.

I use GnuPG 1.4.0.  I've read the FAQ but I probably didnt upload my key to 
public server
I can see the key by typing pgp --list-key
but I dont find how to upload it

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