Hello Thomas Fernandez & everyone else,

on 19-Feb-2005 at 13:53 you (Thomas Fernandez) wrote:

> The faked X-Mailer a spam software created was a TB version, but there
> was another header in those mails that wold be created only by Outlook,
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal. That's how the faked X-Mailer could be
> identified as fake.

I know. There's a couple of other indications for a forged X-Mailer string
together with the "The Bat! vX.X" identifier. But thats not the point. The
point is that a totally legit message created with TB v3.0.2.10 or
will get a spam rating from SA because of the wrong "FORGED_MUA_THEBAT"
problem, so I'm back to my statement that they shouldn't consider the
X-Mailer header at all for spam classification, but who am I...

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

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     from the 1995 album 'Link'

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