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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 22 Feb 2005,
   @  @      at 06:16:14 +0500, when Richard H. Stoddard wrote:

MM>> Okay then, less problems to solve. Tell me, do you have some
MM>> friends, or business partners who do not address you properly,
MM>> namely not using your full name (or a screen/nick name defined by
MM>> yourself) in TO (or CC) field, but using only the address of yours?

> I assume I'm like most folks: I have my friends and others in my
> address book and flagged so they go to the known folder; I have
> white-listed mailing lists like TBUDL; but I do receive mail that is not
> spam from others who are not in my book but whom I know or were
> referred to me by friends. My friends use all sorts of nicknames for
> me, including only the address; I can try to "train" them, but
> will have to deal with the third on a case-by-case basis.

Pardon my pause, Richard, I had to interrupt for a...moment.

OK, actually you would have to "train" a bit your friends then, and to
tell them (if they already do not do so) to use only (nick)names you use
in your FROM and REPLY-TO fields.

When they are giving your address to "third parties", they would have,
of course, to use those very same forms.

Then you simply put all those forms of addressing on a "white list" too,
and that's it. Nothing which is not addressed this way can pass in.

This part, with friends, is, potentially, 'hardest' one, although it is
not very hard. My experiences are that my friends/correspondents pretty
easily accept and understand why I do so, and often they themselves
start to practise similar method. Some of them initially mumble but they
shortly after accept it too. You, therefore, have to "train" them, your
friends, and they will "train" all others. (-: So, there is no need for
"dealing with the third on a case-by-case basis".

So you actually have 2 groups here: messages addressed to you personally
and those coming to/from various lists, addressed to these lists.

If you receive some newsletters then you add them too.

It's only important that no message arrives *only* to your "plain
address" (since this is form which spammers use; and sometimes adding a
'random' faked nick name, or name).

This way you practically can filter everything using just Selective
Download filters.

There is no 'fear' of losing some 'important' mail this way, since if
someone wants to contact you, for enough "serious" reasons, s/he will
definitely take care about way s/he is addressing you.

Even if something like that happens, and some letter is deleted due to
lack of the proper addressing, you may see info of that message in LOG
(Ctrl+Shift+A) and to inform the sender how to resend the message.

If I wasn't clear enough, ask me. (-:

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 176 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
    with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux, and with Bochs 2.1.1
    with a small DLX Linux; and, for TB sometimes, Gentoo and Vector
    via Wine...


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