Dear Jack,

@27-Mar-2005, 17:03 -0600 (28-Mar 00:03 UK time) Jack S. LaRosa [JSL]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

MDP>> He would but for one thing ... he's still using v2 and this was only
MDP>> introduced as a v3 feature.

JSL> Am I to assume then that v3 supports completely separate address
JSL> books and FAVORITES in one address book won't appear when the
JSL> CREATE A NEW MESSAGE pull-down FAVORITES is accessed from the
JSL> other account?

Only ISFA v3 supports the use of XP Account local data using the
Documents and Settings\(account)\Application data directory to store
mail and address books. Under v3's use of XP Account Identity data
areas, there is much less cross contamination.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.9.10 Return on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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