Hello Michael,

> Here's the SMTP Trace file:
> [07:37:09]  C: Connected to smarthost.coxmail.com, port 25
> [07:37:09]  S: 220 lakecmmtar04.coxmail.com ESMTP server (InterMail 
> vM.
> 201-2131-118-104-20050224) ready Tue, 29 Mar 2005 07:37:32 -0500

I don't exactly know how your Cox mail service works. You are connecting
to 'smarthost.coxmail.com' which I understand is a 'generic' name for a
pool of mail servers and the actual server that answered you (you
actually connected to) this time was 'lakecmmtar04.coxmail.com'

> [07:37:09]  C: MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=607
> [07:37:09]  S: 250 Sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and extensions (SIZE=607) Ok
> [07:37:09]  C: RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [07:37:09]  S: 550 Invalid recipient: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

See the last line above. It is the server (lakecmmtar04.coxmail.com) who
is saying that 'marc' in an invalid recipient for domain
'briggsprovidence.com'. So there is no problem with The Bat!

> The confusing thing here is that another address within the e-mail
> domain works fine. Is there any logic to this?

Of course there is logic. If you try to send me a message to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' it will be accepted, but if you send one to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' it will be rejected with the same 550 code because
'marc' is not a know user (and therefore not a valid recipient) in

If as you say <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is a valid e-mail address, I
think you should call your Cox mail service support. It is certainly not
a problem with The Bat! at all.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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