Hello Chris

On Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 5:28:06 PM +0400 GMT
You wrote:

C> Alexander S. Kunz @ 2005-Apr-20 3:02:33 PM
C> "Difference between threaded by subject and
C> reference" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> The wish to have all messages in a threaded view so you can come back later
>> and follow the flow of a conversation is nothing more than a wish... a wish
>> that can drive you insane. :-) Its a shame.

C> Please add your support to this feature request so that we can fix
C> broken treads easily.

C> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=1440

I am not sure to understand this wish
Can you elaborate?
I might be interested to add my 2 cents too!

The Final Cut

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