Hello Steve,

>> You can Customise that. I was used to using Return in VA and I have
>> always used it in TB and still do  
> I bet you can not remember how to set the return key to move to next
> unread message!  If you can please do share it as that would be
> fantastic.  I tried to work it out but can not.

I guess my neurones need a couple of beers to get up and running ;-)

>> I also use a Space to mark a message as read (which was default in VA).
>> So I just go Space and Return to jump to next unread.
> And that one please?

What about the beers? ;-)

Let's see.

1.- Open Customise and for 'Select container:' select 'Main Form'. Then
click on down pointing arrow to the far right to expand Main Form  and
select 'Message List Pop-up Menu'. This will show on the right window
'Current items' the context menu that you get when you right click on
the message list pane.

2.- On this window find and select with you mouse 'Move to Next

3.- On the Shortcuts window you will see the shortcuts already available
for this.

4.- Place your mouse in the little window where it says 'none' and hit
Alt+8 (I will explain later why Alt+8), and this will replace 'none'.
Then click the Assign button below.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for 'Mark as Read' using Alt+9 this time.

6.- Finally, click OK.

Now, exit TB and find a file called 'tbuser.def' in your MAIL directory
and open it with a text editor.

As I have explained in another message a while ago:

,----- [ On April 19th I wrote in TBBeta: ]
| It looks like it won't accept some single character shortcuts like
| "Space" and "Enter", which are my favourite ones BTW to mark a message
| as Read and Move to next unread. What I did was to assign something
| like Alt+8 and Alt+9 and then exit TB. I opened tbuser.def with a text
| editor and changed the string 'Alt+8' to 'Space' and 'Alt+9' to 'Enter'
| and after restarting TB both are working just fine.

Hope this helps :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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