Hello Allie, 

On 16 May 2005, 11:58 you wrote:

> TB! has been running for about 14 hours or so:

> thebat.exe

> Mem Usage: 83,372K
> Peak Mem Usage: 95,692
> VM Size: 76,108K

> Upon exiting and restarting, Mem Usage is 27,135K

> Anyone else seeing the sort of Mem Usage growth that I'm seeing here?

Yes, very similar. Memory usage was around 150M after twenty hours
or so. After a restart it's back to 30M. I'm using a single IMAP
account and the Avast plug-in.

As ever,
  .\\artin | ICQ 15893823

"How often misused words generate misleading thoughts." HUBERT SPENCER

IMAP Client: The Bat! Version 3.5 Return RC9
IMAPS Server: Dovecot | OS: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2)

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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