Hello Jonathan,

On Monday, May 23, 2005 at 5:30:54 AM Jonathan [JA] wrote:

>>>> I want to be totally invisible and untraceable. If I'm browsing the web, 
>>>> I'm using a
>>>> tunnel (proxy server that totally hides my identify (IP 
>>>> address) ...

SMN>>>   ...are you really sure you are invisible...

>> He is! I bet he blocks packets of type "ICMP Echo request" and drops
>> them on his firewall, therefore he's *absolutely invisible*!!! Trust
>> me!1!eins!elf!! ;-)

JA> *coughs* black hole *coughs*...

JA> Problem with blocking ICMP echo requests is it is just as bad as
JA> having them enabled... People can still see you there, you just appear
JA> as a "black hole" sucking in the packets ;)

Really? You mean the absence of information *is* information? ;-)
Something like "if the router in front of him doesn't tell me he's not
there, he <cough>*IS*<cough> there!"?! ;-)

Still leaves the question: Where is the black hole located *if* somebody
enables this "security feature"? I have a theory this black hole is a
few inches in front of the monitor, between a pair of human ears ;-)
Peter Palmreuther

(The Bat! v3.5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2)

Zimmerman's Law of Complaints: Nobody notices when things go right.

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