On Monday, May 23, 2005, Alexander S. Kunz cleverly scripted:

> I found it works best when you set it to index messages on exiting TB.

Greetings Alexander S. Kunz,                 16:06, Monday, May 23, 2005

Yes, that's the way it is supposed to work, but it seems to need help
getting started.  It didn't automatically index everything when I
configured it to do so and then closed TB down to force it to start.

Not sure why, but it seemed to go better when I forced the re-indexing
manually.  Hopefully, this will be useful feedback for the author.


-- Quintessential is now playing: Chuck Loeb - I Got It Bad (And That Ain't

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Spam Filter   : Achim's Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.2.  
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