
On Saturday 4 June 2005 at 11:35:41 AM, in
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul A. Thiessen

M>> Perhaps you could devise a template using the %QUOTECLIPBOARD
M>> macro above the cursor and the %Quotes macro below it?

> Right, but can I have TB apply this template only when doing "reply quoting
> selected" - as opposed to a *different* template when doing "reply"?

%Quotes macro copies the whole message when "replying" and the
selected text only when "replying quoting selected text", so not

%QUOTECLIPBOARD pastes the contents of the clipboard, so if you
select the required text and copy it to the clipboard before
hitting "reply" your selection will be quoted at the top. The
reply template could include something like this:-


Best regards,

Bear in mind that whatever was last copied to your clipboard would
be quoted in your reply, so if you were not selecting anything to
quote you would need to clear your clipboard or delete the
extraneous quote from your reply.

> Where is the template for "reply quoting selected"? How can I edit it?

I think rather than a different template it is just a different
behaviour for the %Quotes macro
Best regards,

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