
On Sunday, July 17, 2005, you wrote:
MR> Now I use a SyncBack, a scheduled backup program to back up to the
MR> server

Just to throw my penny in the pot, I've recently started using my Palm
LifeDrive which has a 4GB hard disk to hotsync my Bat databases. It's
a bit slow, because the main .tbb files have *always* changed, but
this really does a nice job. Even better, I can then mount the LD as a
USB disk on any computer and access the message base.

BTW, as a piece of technology, I think that the LifeDrive's about a
year too late, and the single-tasking OS is unforgivable these days.
However there's nothing out there that combines storage, PDA and music
(though the playback interface is *awful*).


 TheBat!: v3.5.30 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.51 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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