Hello Henk,

On Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 9:34:26 AM Henk [HMdB] wrote:

HMdB> Sorry I can not help you with this :-(

No problem.

>> Seems I don't get only TB! to behave this way, it's just I don't want
>> to use Outlook or Outlook Express for sending mails signed with this
>> certificate ;-)

HMdB> Maybe Thunderbird is an alternative ;-)
HMdB> It is for me when the Bat! does not behave with PGP/GPG as I want.

It confuses me even more with it's S/MIME / security settings, iow: I
couldn't get it to work either. I didn't even see my MS Crypto API
stored certificates, not to talk about signing something with them ;-)
Peter Palmreuther

(The Bat! v3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2)

She's dead Jim... Still warm though. Flip ya for her?

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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