So after months and months of watching TB!'s progress, waiting and hoping IMAP would become usable enough I could return to TB!, I decided yesterday that I would give up, unsub from the lists, and just stick to an old copy of TB! I have lying around for my one POP account (and the only reason I would need that is because TB! saves attachments to their own folder, a capability I haven't come across in other MUAs).

But this morning I saw a message from Allie (aka ACM, aka Curtis, etc) on a non-Bat list recommending that people try out IMAP on the latest release version of TB! and that it had come a long ways (of course including a YMMV disclaimer).

So I downloaded 3.51.10, fired it up, added two IMAP accounts, and right out of the box, 3 showstoppers:

1) On one account, after unsubscribing from the only mailbox that had new messages, the account's unread message count didn't change (I guess this isn't quite a showstopper, but it certainly is annoying).

2) Using server-side filtering, TB! still doesn't know I have new messages in folders until I've selected those folders. (Maybe there is a way around this, but I shouldn't have to go out of my way to have my mail client check for new messages...)

3) After deleting a few messages from a folder, selecting any message in the message list would display the incorrect message. (Again, perhaps there is a fix for this, but I shouldn't have to trick my mail client into showing me the currently selected message instead of randomly selecting a message to show me...)

I haven't spent any time playing around with IMAP Fine Tune options or anything else because I shouldn't have to. A mail client's default settings should be sufficient to provide basic functionality. If I have to take extra time to try to figure out what default settings need to be changed in order to achieve basic functionality, something is just not right.

I realize that IMAP issues are apparently supposed to be a high priority in the present beta series. However, I believe it has been two years since IMAP was initially implemented in TB! and it still doesn't have basic functionality out of the box!

So, I've waited an extra day in order to give TB! another chance, but I think it's time now to simply give up on TB! and move on. I would still consider TB! to be a top notch POP client, but for IMAP needs, almost any other IMAP-capable MUA could exceed TB's performance.

Before I unsub, I just want to thank the TBUDL & TBBETA communities for all the help and assistance you have been over the years in answering questions, overcoming problems, and making my TB experience much better and more useful than it otherwise would have been.


Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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