Good day, Granville.

GC> Please could you tell me which is the best method of exporting The Bat!
GC> Address Book to a Mac? I am running a G4 Power Book OS X. I really like
GC> The Bat! as my email client and want to stay with it. My annoyance is 
GC> with Windows. Just when I get it all set up and running smoothly 
GC> something always goes wrong somewhere and I end up having to fix 
GC> Windows once more. If I could use The Bat! on my Mac I reckon I would 
GC> have changed from Windows to Mac ages ago. I know about Virtual PC and
GC> that is still an option but I would rather run with the Bat! directly 
GC> on Mac OS X.

It's *very* simple. You need to open TB!'s AddressBook, to select your
book   (default  is  "Personal  Address  Book"), and to select in menu
Export  to\LDIF File. Then you need to specify file, where AB would be

WBR, Vladimir 'insider' Prohorov
[email only]|[3MB inbox]|[ICQ #179598229]|[RLU #389152]|[Skype inside_r]
The Bat! 3.51.10 OTFE @ Windows 2003 (5.2.3790.)
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