Hello Rich,

> So I take it 3.x glyphs will not work under v2.12?

you can take this Glyph Set for TheBat! v1.x/v2.x
[29 KB] http://thebat.zetema.de/zip/glyph_original_v3_to_v2.zip

I adapted the v3 Glyph for Version v1/v2, unfortunately the quality is
not the best.

Preview: http://thebat.zetema.de/original.html#v3tov2

Best regards

BAT-MAIL.DE.VU - http://bat-mail.de.vu
News-Ticker: http://thebat.zetema.de/bat-mail.xml
Klipfolio Klip: http://thebat.zetema.de/klipfolio

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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