Hello Chris,

> You computer should be configured in such a way that when the UPS
> reports that it has x percent left, the computer shuts itself down.
> Now, since you have a laptop, things are slightly different.

As my message bases total over 45GB at present, shutting down TB! (all
accounts and folders set to compress!) takes just over 6 hours.  Not
an option, without having something to SHUT DOWN TB! from within Task
Manager.  This is what I do whenever I need to shut down, other than
when I do my weekly shut-down and compress on the weekend.

> Also, nightly backups are nice. However, they are much easier to do on
> an always-on desktop that on a laptop that may be on or off. I
> normally get around to backing my laptop up every other day. I have
> made it part of my nightly routine: start backup, visit bathroom,
> other stuff..., see backup is finished, turn computer off.

I do weeklies, as these are 100GB drives.

> Hope these suggestions help in the future. Also, if you need it, I
> have TBUDL going back to 2003-Sept-6.

If there is a way to get it, I'd surely like to reload this, and
TBBETA and/or TBOT if I can get it.  I will restore the backups I have
and see what I am missing.  Perhaps some kind soul may have the area
where the gap exists and could send me a zipped message base file
containing only the missing posts.  I have done this in the past by
creating a folder and copying only the messages requested to that
folder, then zipping it up and sending it to the recipient.  The extra
problem is I am still running V2.12.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for this point on the timeline:
"The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret."

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML),
      especially the new AOL implementation!

Composed & sent using TheBat! v2.12.00, hamstrung 
by Windows XP 5.1, Build 2600 Service Pack 2
on a Toshiba Satellite P25-S5261 / P4-3.2GHz with 
2GB RAM / 200GB HDD (100GB X2)

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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