Good day, Sean.

R>   Sometimes when I send an encrypted message using gpg, I get an error
SR>   concerning the trust level of the key, ie don't know if it belongs
SR>   to the addressee. Is there anyway around this. ATM, I have to use
SR>   GPGshell to encrypt it

You need to set trust level for you key.
It's very simple:
Open  GPGkeys, DblClick on you key and ntert word "trust". A menu will
appear. You can use for you key any applicable trust level.

WBR, Vladimir 'insider' Prohorov
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The Bat! 3.60.02 Forerunner (Beta) w/OTFE @ Windows 2003 (5.2.3790.)
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Attachment: pgpuqWEBr7Rog.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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