On Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 11:54:18 AM [GMT -0500], Bodemann, Jörn

> what do I have to do to get messages moved to the trash folder while I
> am offline from my IMAP server? Now they remain in the Inbox and get
> deleted after I reconnect.

Yes. This is a problem.

> I use the IMAP trash folder which is not reachable while offline. Is
> it an idea to use a local trashfolder and copy all messages to the
> IMAP trashfolder on reconnect?

You could try this, yes.

> Another idea is to let deleted messages in the inbox but do not
> display them after they are marked for deletion.

The conventional IMAP method is to strike them through with a red line,
though they remain visible. However, deleting them from visibility could
also be done.

I like when they remain visible, though marked as deleted. In this way,
if they aren't really deleted from the server, you'll immediately see
this. If they're removed from view, you could have lingering messages on
the server and not realize it. I see this all the time, though TB!, at
some point, seems to get around to deleting the messages.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.60.06 Forerunner (Beta)
System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name
Try to get back on topic, he said moderately.

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