Selon Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Now you've lost me.
> In mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you're complaining that the
> cursor gets placed under the quotes, but should get placed above them.
> But you're posting a template that should place the cursor under the
> quotes and say that the cursor gets placed before them.
> When I use your template, the cursor gets placed under the quotes, as
> the template ordains.
> What's happening at your place and what editor are you using? I tested
> it with MicroEd and the Windows style editor.
> --
> Groetjes, Roelof
It's because I use a template for this list where the cursor must be under
quote, and another one for private that needs to plave cursore above quote. I
've got in a muddle with my explanations...

Anyway, cursor won't go where I want ! ;-)

I use HTML/Plain Text editor...

(Hope that delimiter is ok on webmail...)

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