Hello Gerard!

On Friday, September 16, 2005, 8:12 AM, you wrote:

MB>> Still there in the beta that I'm running, v. 3.61.04.
MB>> A checkbox in The Bat!/Options/Network&Administration--after you click
MB>> on Network&Administration to view its dialogue box.

> Well it is missing from the current official release 3.60.07.
> There is only a box which lets you select Local or Dialup connection and
> some option, but no "allow local delivery" option here :(

I'm sorry. Lately the full releases seem to retain some of the
deficiencies of the last beta release before full release.

I think it's because such a major reworking of the user interface has
been going on over the past few months.

So far as I recall, that missing checkbox wasn't spotted in the run-up
to 3.60.07. I myself certainly wouldn't have thought to check for it,
because I've had no occasion to change that configuration.

I think you have two choices:

1) Wait for the next full release.
2) Download and run beta 3.61.04, in which the deficiency is

Be aware that there are some small menu mistakes in beta 3.61.04. Two
recently pointed out on TBBETA:

1) In View/Themes only the default is available--Default (Windows).
2) In Options/Preferences the order of some menu items has been
   rearranged in an illogical manner; although the items are still

I have no doubt these will be corrected in an upcoming beta. However,
the user interface is still a work-in-progress. When has TB! not been
a work in progress? LOL

But it's still the best e-mail client I've ever found for my own

Best regards,
The Bat! Pro 3.61.04 beta (no OTFE) with 2 POP3 accounts
served by broadband internet access, LAN, to TCP/IP work station
on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.60.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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